Upside Down Cake for my lil bro’s girlfriend


My younger brother is currently looking for jobs overseas so he is kinda unemployed at the moment. He requested that I bake something for his girlfriend’s birthday. I decided to try my own version of Pineapple Upside Down Cake.

I used 175g All Purpose flour, 175g butter, 175g caster sugar, 1 and half Tsp baking powder, 1 tsp vanilla, a pinch of salt, 3 eggs, pineapple slice and tidbits, raisins to replace cherries, 1/4 cup brown sugar. I made 2 round pans of cake.

My siblings loved the taste. It’s not too spongy, not too sweet, and the pineapple glaze are just as good as the cake. I’m trying mango cake next time . Cheers!

Brownie mania

My siblings love brownies and almost anything chocolatey taste. My partner and friends share the same cravings. So I decided to try make my own version using a recipe online.




20140305-105456.jpg I love the taste of the end product. I didn’t get the exact gooeyness I was trying to replicate but it tasted good so it will make do for now. Afterall, practice makes perfect.